3:00 pm15:00

Kobbitty Kayakas

This is our first event for men of all ages for 2025! The Men’s Kobbitty Kayakas day is back for another paddle on the river. This is an opportunity to enjoy time with other men, on the river, doing a riverside walk or chat. It is also an opportunity to invite someone. Saturday 22 March starting between 3:30pm and 4pm at Belgenny Oval boat ramp with a sausage sizzle to finish off with. Please let Joly Hordern know if you are coming on 0433 081 087. Extra kayaks will be available.

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10:30 am10:30

Mid-Week Communion Service

The next mid-week communion service will be held at 10:30am on Thursday 20 March in the church hall.

This short service, with a late start, is followed by morning tea, which makes it the perfect opportunity to invite a friend.

For further information please contact Rev. Colin Bale | 0433 804 151 |

All welcome!

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5:00 pm17:00

Pancake Night


The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night will be held at the Church Hall from 5pm-7:30pm on Tuesday 4 March. Cost is $10 for as many pancakes as you can eat. There will be a Youth Group milk shake stall & Guild cake stall. 

Simply turn up anytime between 5pm and 7:30pm and enjoy this great community event! 

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6:00 pm18:00

Youth Group

Youth Group recommences on Friday 14 February at 6pm.

Cobbitty Youth (for youth in Year 7 - 12) meets each Friday evening in the Church Hall from 6pm - 8pm.

On a typical Friday evening, youth will participate in games, Bible talk and have supper together. Outings or special nights are usually planned once or twice a term.

Please contact Emily Heath | for more information.

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3:30 pm15:30

Kids Club

Kids Club recommences on Wednesday 12 February.

Kids Club runs from 3:30pm - 5pm on Wednesdays during school terms (except the first and last weeks) in the church hall. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are welcome to join us regardless of which school they attend.

A typical week includes, afternoon tea, games, music, a story from the Bible and discussion groups. Children of all faith backgrounds are welcome and their individual beliefs are respected.

The cost per term is $25 per child.  Children are welcome to join at any time during the term. 

Our Youth & Children’s Minister, Emily Heath, coordinates the Kids Club Team and she can be contacted via

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9:30 am09:30

Junior Jivers

Junior Jivers recommences on Monday 3 February at 9:30am.

Junior Jivers meets each Monday during school terms (except Week 1 in Terms 1, 2 & 3) in the Church Hall, from 9:30-11am.

It is a music-based, Christian playgroup program incorporating play, singing, movement to music, instruments and stories.

Please bring morning tea and a drink bottle for your children, and $2/week for each child to cover resources. Light refreshments are provided for adults.

More members are welcome!

Please contact Emily Heath | for more information.

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Christmas Day 2024
9:00 am09:00

Christmas Day 2024

Come and join us as we celebrate Jesus’s birth this Christmas Day.

Wednesday 25 December - 9am at Cobbitty Anglican Church.

Everyone is welcome!

For those who are unable to attend in person, our service will be livestreamed.

Click here to join us online on the day.

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Carols by Candlelight at Cobbitty
6:30 pm18:30

Carols by Candlelight at Cobbitty

This year’s Carols by Candlelight Service will be held on the grass area adjacent to the church hall on Sunday 22 December. There will be a free sausage sizzle, plus drinks, fairy floss and candles for sale at $1 each. Bring a picnic rug or a chair.

6:30pm - Grab a free sausage sandwich or two and find a spot on thew grass.

7:00pm - Carols Service begins

Everyone is welcome!

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Lessons and Carols
9:00 am09:00

Lessons and Carols

On Sunday 22 December, join us as our morning service celebrates a traditional Lessons and Carols Service during which the Christmas story is told through a series of Bible readings and Christmas carols. This is a great service to invite a friend to. Morning tea will be served after the service and everyone is welcome!

When: Sunday 22 December

Where: Cobbitty Anglican Church

Time: 9am - 10am

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 Megaday 2024
8:30 am08:30

Megaday 2024

MEGADAY is coming again to Cobbitty and we’ll setting off on a quest with Knights & Dragons & Stuff! All the kids who have attended MEGADAY in past years have absolutely loved it!

Join us this year for a fun day of friends, games, craft and learning about Jesus.

Thursday 19 December 8:30am - 3:30pm at Cobbitty Anglican Church hall.

For children in Years K - 6

$20 per person / $50 per family

MEGADAY is an all day event that includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

Online registrations have now closed. Please contact 0431 165 216 to ask if there are still spaces available.

For more information contact Emily Heath at

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9:00 am09:00

Ladies Christmas Breakfast

All women, together with their friends are warmly invited to join us for breakfast on Saturday 30 November. Feed on God’s Word and delicious food as we enjoy fellowship together and begin preparations in our hearts and homes for Christmas.

When: Saturday 30 November

Time: 9am-11am

Cost: $15 for breakfast, floral wreath demonstration and Christmas craft.

RSVP: by Tuesday 26 November to Cathy Ware 0418 439 369

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11:30 am11:30

Guild Christmas Lunch

You are warmly invited to the annual Guild Christmas Lunch. This luncheon is an opportunity for the Guild to show their appreciation to all those who have supported fund raising activities and events during the year.

When: Thursday 14 November, 2024

Where: Heber Chapel

Time: 11:30am for 12 midday

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to 27 Oct

Hospitality Weekend

Hospitality Weekends are a great opportunity to get to know friends across both congregations. You can offer to be a host or sign up to be a guest at a meal either on the Saturday night or the Sunday lunch of the weekend 26-27 October.

You will be allocated to a group of around 6-8 guests and everyone usually brings a dish to contribute.

Sign-up sheets for the next hospitality weekend are available at the crossroads of the church. Please put your name down as a guest or a host – all welcome.

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4:30 pm16:30

Men's Shed, Sheep and Chevys Night

The Men’s Ministry team is hosting a Men’s Shed, Sheep and Chevys night which will be a relaxed evening and an easy event to invite a friend along to.

This is a night for men of all ages, to get together in or around the shed at Rod Stanley’s Mt Hunter home, enjoy viewing a bunch of old cars (Chevs etc) and taste the culinary delight of a sheep on a spit for dinner.

When: Saturday 28 September 2024

Where: The Stanley’s home, 280 Spring Creek Rd, Mt Hunter

Cost: $15 per person for dinner. BYO drinks.

Time: Arrive from 4:30pm

RSVP to Joly Hordern | 0433 081 087

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9:30 am09:30

Women's Lakeside Walk and Morning Tea

The Women’s Ministry Team invites you to join them on Saturday 7 September for morning tea and a lakeside walk. Meet at the picnic tables at Swan Court, Harrington Park, at 9:30am for the walk and/or 10:30am for morning tea. Bring morning tea to share if you would like to and your own drinks.

This event is open to all the women of our church and their guests. No need to RSVP.

For enquiries, contact Jen Hooper (0490 350 220).

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9:00 am09:00

National Grandparents Conference

The National Grandparents’ Conference is on Saturday 31 August 9am - 4:30pm. The theme is Leaving a Living Legacy and there is a great line-up of engaging speakers.

This year, we will be screening the conference in the church hall via livestream. If you are interested in attending, please let Jill Lummis know on 0407 531 395.

Jill will coordinate the purchase of tickets so that we get the group discount, which will bring the cost down to $20 per person.

For more information on the program go to:

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to 10 Aug


Basecamp is coming up on Friday night and Saturday on 9-10 August at the Katoomba Convention Centre.

'BASECAMP Mountains' is an overnight retreat for men in the Blue Mountains. It's an encouraging opportunity to come together with a bunch of other men to hear from God and learn practical wisdom for living life as a Christian man + there is great food on offer too! The theme for this year’s conference is "Building Brotherhood" and it runs from 7:30pm Friday 9th till 3pm Saturday 10th August. For more information or to register, go to

There are a number of accommodation options. Everyone is welcome so why not make a plan to join us this year.

To chat with someone and to enquire about accommodations, contact Joly Hordern (0433 081 087).

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11:30 am11:30

Ladies Guild Luncheon

Cobbitty Anglican Church Ladies Guild warmly invite you to their luncheon.

Date: Thursday 8 August

When: 11:30am for 12 midday

Where: St Paul’s Church Hall

Speaker: Val Stewart

Cost: $12

RSVP for catering: Barb Jones 0413 606 408
             Pam Rabbidge 0400 377 032

All welcome!

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9:30 am09:30

Equip Women's Conference 2024 - Revelation 1-5: 'Hope for the Weary'

This year, we will be participating in the Equip Conference via a live-stream link up. Join us on the day in the church hall as we gather to watch the event together and study Revelation 1-5 ‘Hope for the Weary’.

Date: Saturday 22 June

Where: Cobbitty Anglican Church hall

When: 9:30am (early bird cuppa) for 10:00am livestream start. Conference finishes at 3:00pm

Cost: $22 for a livestream ticket - $20 if you register with a group of 10 women.

$20 for a catered morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

How do I register??

1. Purchase your viewer ticket. These are $22 per viewer and can be purchased at Equip24 

2. A catered lunch for $20 through the Women’s Ministry Team is also available (this cost also includes morning and afternoon tea as well conference materials). Please RSVP your attendance to Cathy Ware, Jen Hooper or Rose Nockles. Payments can be made in advance by transferring funds into the church account (clearly labelled Equip24) or paid at the door on the day.

Subsidies are available, as is help with registering, by contacting Cathy, Jen or Rose.

Enquiries to Cathy Ware (0418 439 369) or Jen Hooper (0490 350 220)

Equip is always a fabulous day of teaching and fellowship with one another. Hope to see you there!

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8:15 am08:15

Big Day In 2022

Join us for this year’s Big Day In - a relaxed day full of Christian learning, worship, fellowship and fun for all ages!

When: Saturday 1 June

Time: 8:15am - 5:00pm

Guest Speaker: Rev. Simon Manchester

Where: Macarthur Anglican School

We hope you can join in on what promises to be a great day!

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7:00 pm19:00

Ladies Leap Year Dinner

Ladies, join us to celebrate the new year together at our Leap Year Dinner!

When: Thursday 29 February

Time: From 6pm - come when you can and go when you please

Where: Camden Hotel, Argyle St, Camden

This relaxed evening is open to women of all ages and their guests. Please RSVP to Jen Hooper before 25 February on 0490 350 220.

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9:00 am09:00

Guild Father's Day Morning Tea

The Ladies Guild of St Paul’s Anglican Church invite you to a Father’s Day Morning Tea

When: Saturday 2 September
9 am to 12 noon

Where: The Heber Chapel
St Paul’s Anglican Church
330 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty

Cost: $10 per person.

There will be slices, jams, biscuits and cakes
for sale as well.

All welcome!

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10:30 am10:30

Mid-Week Communion Service

The next mid-week communion service will be held at 10:30am on Thursday 20 July in the church hall.

This short service, with a late start, is followed by morning tea, which makes it the perfect opportunity to invite a friend.

For further information please contact Rev. Colin Bale | 0433 804 151 |

All welcome!

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to 14 July

Kids' Super Cru Camp

During the July school holidays we are partnering with Narellan Anglican Church and Macarthur Anglican School to run a kids’ holiday club for children in years K-6.

The program will run each day from 8am-6pm Monday 10 July - Friday 14 July.

For more infprmation, contact Leah Dyason on 0403 976 991

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10:00 am10:00

Guild Morning Tea

Cobbitty Ladies Guild invites the congregation to morning tea on Saturday 18 March at 10am in the church hall. Cost is $10 per person.

Our guest speakers will be Matt and Kim who are currently serving with the mission agency ‘Interserve’ to build relationships with Australians of South Asian background in our community.

Enquiries to Joan Hodge (4655 8117) or Gita Sutcliffe (0429 026 419).

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