Important changes due to the Coronavirus pandemic
To help slow the spread of Covid-19, all three Kids and Youth groups will be suspended for the time being. We realise how disappointing this will be for the children, youth and leaders involved. Our Youth and Children’s Minister, Leah Dyason, is working closely with the various leadership teams to develop ways for these groups to stay connected to each other and continue growing in their faith.
Please contact Leah on 0403 976 991 or for information on updates regarding Youth Group, Kids Church, Kids Club and Junior Jivers.
Cobbitty youth
Although we are unable to meet face-to-face for Youth Group and Bible Study groups for the time being, we're working hard to make Youth (and all other ministries) available online. We hope you'll work with us (and bear with us!) as we get going.
For many things we will need parent permission. Here is the permission form for parents to fill in and sign.
Below is an outline of where we are heading:
We have set up an Instagram page for Cobbitty Anglican Youth. Please follow. The plan is to have challenges and devotions and other things posted through there. If you'd like to post anything, send it to Leah and she will get it up there.
We are hoping to start a WhatsApp group chat for instant notices, reminders of online meetings, Bible Studies etc. Again this needs parent permission and also the youth’s mobile number to add into the group.
Finally, we'll be using ZOOM for all our online meetings. We used it successfully for our Sunday Church gathering, and we believe it'll work well for time together on Friday. So the plan is:
6:50pm Meeting opens
7:00pm Youth Group starts; general socialising
7:10pm Welcome; online game where everyone participates
7:30pm Announcements and Spot
7:40pm Talk
7:55pm Small Groups (virtual breakout rooms)
8:15pm Finish
Afterwards: hangout online if you want
ZOOM Meeting link:
Our meeting ID is 213-015-750 and will stay the same for each Friday meeting.
Because ZOOM is a video based communications medium, youth need their parent’s permission to be involved. We also have an Online Behaviour Agreement which the youth will need to read and sign. We want to be loving, godly and helpful with our online behaviour.
Bible Study groups will also be meeting online. Please confirm times and days with your leader. Permission to use ZOOM again is needed.
Caring for each other
We know this is a hard and uncharted time for many families. If we (the Youth Team) can help you guys (families and individuals) in any way, please let us know. We are praying God will bring a quick and complete end to this virus here in Australia and around the world. Keep leaning on Him. And please join us for Sunday Church, 9:45am online ( if you can.
Kids Church
Kids Church (Kindergarten - Year 6) is online during Covid-19
Zoom ID: 722365679
Time: Sundays, 10:45am
Each Sunday during the 5pm Contemporary service, Kids Church meets in the Church hall. The children start in Church and leave for their program after the first 10 minutes or so. The program is for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. During this time, the children enjoy games and craft together and learn about God through creatively taught Bible stories. A creche is also available for babies and toddlers.
cobbitty Kids CLub
Kids Club runs from 3:30pm - 5pm on Wednesdays during term time in the church hall. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are welcome to join us regardless of which school they attend. Children from Cobbitty Public School meet on the grass area at the rear of the school and are walked down to the church hall by the leaders. Children who do not attend Cobbitty Public School can come straight to the hall at 3.30pm. A typical week includes, afternoon tea, organised games, craft, a story from the Bible and discussion groups. Children of all faith backgrounds are welcome and their individual beliefs are respected.
To register your child, please ask Leah for the Kids Club Contact Information and Health form and bring your payment to the sign-in desk on your first week of Kids Club. The cost per term is $20 per child. In the interest of safety, children must have their name marked off at the sign-in desk each week when they arrive and they must be signed out by a parent or carer before they leave. Children are welcome to join at any time during the term.
Junior Jivers
Junior Jivers is a group for children 0-5 years and their carers held on Mondays 9:30-11am in the church hall. Junior Jivers is a Christian music program involving play, singing, dance, movement, rhythm, stories and much more! The cost is $4 per week or $25 per term and morning tea is included. New members are always welcome!