For our seniors
At St. Paul’s Cobbitty, there are many opportunities for seniors to fellowship together.
A Communion Service is held in the church hall at 10:30am on the third Thursday morning of each month.
Please contact our Seniors’ Minister Rev. Colin Bale | | 0433 804 151 if you have any enquiries about the Communion Service or any of the activities below.
Social gatherings are planned once a month. People of any age are welcome to come along. For more information, please contact Susanna Byatt | 0416 243 850 or Angela Head | 0414 512 567
A prayer group is held each week on Wednesday 10:00am - 11:30am and everyone is welcome.
There are several Bible Study groups (Growth groups) held during the week at varying times and various locations. New members are always welcome to join these groups at any time.
During the year there are opportunities for socialising and outreach through events organised by the Women’s and Men’s ministry teams.
We have a Choir which leads the 9am congregation in joyful praise each Sunday. The choir practices at 8:30am each Sunday morning and welcomes new members who simply love to sing!
The Ladies Guild meets in the Heber Chapel from 2pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. This groups supports missions, raises money for church improvements and organises or assists with functions.
For ladies who love reading, we have a Women’s Book Club who meet together bi monthly to share their perspectives on the books they read.