For our Kids



Each Sunday during the 5pm Evening Service, Kids Church meets in the church hall. The children start in church and leave for their program after the first 10 minutes or so. The program is for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. During this time, the children enjoy games and craft together and learn about God through creatively taught Bible stories.



Kids Club runs from 3:30 - 5pm each Wednesday during school term time. We meet on the grass area at the rear of Cobbitty Public School and walk the kids down to the church hall. Any student in years K – 6 is welcome to join us, regardless of which school they attend. A typical week includes, afternoon tea, organised games, craft, a story from the bible and discussion groups. Children of all faith backgrounds are welcome and their individual beliefs are respected.

To register your child, please take the completed Kid’s Club Contact Information and Health Form, along with payment, to the sign in desk on your first week of Kids Club. The cost per term is $20 per student. Parents please note that in the interest of safety, children must get their name marked off at the sign in desk each week when they arrive and they must be signed out by a parent or carer before they leave



Held in the Church Hall from 6:30 - 8:30pm on Fridays during school term time. A typical night at Cobbitty Youth will include dinner ($4 per week), some chill out time, organised activities, Bible talk with discussion groups. It is a great place to hang out with friends, make new friends and learn a bit more about Jesus. We also have a number of other activities (such as outings and camps) that happen throughout the year.  Youth of all faith backgrounds are welcome and their individual beliefs are respected. The group is open to anyone in Year 6 and up (Year 5 is invited to join the group in 4th term each year).


Junior Jivers

Junior Jivers is a Christian Music Program involving play, music, singing, dancing, movement, rhythm, stories and much more. It is held in the Church Hall each Monday morning 9:30 - 11am during school term time. The group is for children 0-5 years accompanied by their carer. Cost is $4 week or $25 per term (morning tea included).

 Contact Leah Dyason (Youth and Children’s Minister) on 0403 976 991 or for more information on any of these groups.